Simplonpass, Switzerland
Simplonpass, Switzerland

Photo by Valais Wallis Promotion


Open, no restrictions

Brig - Gondo


Winter tyres are obligatory for the whole winter period. Depending on ithe weather conditions, snow chains may be obligatory over a short period, or the pass may close completely.

Vehicle transport possible through the Simplon

Updated on: 23.03.2025, 13:59


Proof of the colonisation and interaction between the Rhone Valley and the Valley d’Ossola goes back to pre-Christian times but little is known about the use of the pass until the middle ages. Changing political and economical circumstances at the beginning of the 12th century lead to the Simplon Pass becoming one of the most important alpine traverses in Europe during the troubled times of Savoyen/France, Milan/Lombardy and the Roman Empire.

Trading contracts were drawn up between the Valley d’Ossola and Brig. The St. Johns Hospiz was first mentioned in documents dating 1235 a.d. From around 1320 a.d. merchant trading shifted more to the east, going over the Gotthard Pass towards the Bündner Passes and the Simplon Pass became of lesser importance. This changed during the 30-year war (1618-1648) when Kaspar Stockalper was able to build a road over the comparatively «safe» Simplon route.  

With the downfall of  the Stockalper’s merchant trading company, the Simplon once again lost importance. In 1800 Napoleon began building a fortified road which opened in 1805. This lead to the Simplon‘s third «heyday» which lasted until 1906, when the railroad tunnel was opened. Construction to make passage over the pass safe in winter began in 1957 which has lead to a massive increase in the amount of freight transport going over the pass.

Accommodation and activities

Technical Data

South45 kmDomodossola (270 m.a.s.l.)6.4%4.2%2009 m.a.s.l.Brig (681 m.a.s.l.)North22 km
Italien/Piemont, Wallis (VS)
67 Km
2009 m.a.s.l.
Max. gradient
9 %
open all year round


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